Τρίτη 19 Απριλίου 2016

Cytinus ruber (Fourr.) Willd. (Λύκος της λαδανιάς)

Οικογένεια: Rafflesiaceae
Cytinus ruber (Fourr.) Willd.
Cytinus hypocistis: Perennial herb without chlorophyll, parasitic on roots of Cistus parviflorus and C. salviifolius. Flowering shoots 4–12 cm tall, with a stout, simple stem clothed with imbricate, scale-like, somewhat fleshy, yellow to orange-red leaves. Flowers 5–10 in a dense terminal spike appearing at ground level, usually with female flowers below and male above. Perianth 12–20 mm, 4-merous, yellow, with ovate, subacute lobes somewhat shorter than tube. Fruit a subglobose berry; seeds numerous, minute.
Very similar to C. hypocistis, but parasitic on Cistus creticus; leaves crimson; flowers ivory white to pale pink.
Υποχρεωτικό παράσιτο (αφου δε συνθέτει χλωροφύλλη) της Λαδανιάς. Το C. ruber (παλαιότερα υποείδος του C. hypocistis) των ροζ (Cistus creticus) και το C. hypocistis των άσπρων (Cistus salviifolius και Cistus monspeliensis). Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στη Χλωρίδα μας, Φυτολόγιο, greekflora.gr, Flora of Greece.
Cytinus ruber

Cytinus ruber

Cytinus ruber (στο βάθος)

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