Ερείκη η σπονδυλανθής (Erica manipuliflora Salisb.)
Erica arborea: Erect, much-branched evergreen shrub 1–2.5 m (in the W Mediterranean area often a small tree). Twigs densely pubescent. Leaves usually in whorls of 3, coriaceous, linear, dark green, with strongly revolute margins concealing the lower surface. Flowers numerous, in small, aggregated lateral racemes. Bracteoles minute, inserted below middle of pedicel. Corolla c. 3 mm, 4-merous, campanulate with erect lobes, white. Anthers included, brownish-purple, with ciliate basal appendages. Style exserted, whitish.
Differing from E. arborea in the following characters: Usually 40–80 cm tall; twigs subglabrous; leaves usually in whorls of 4; racemes dense, on very short lateral shoots; corolla pinkish-purple; anthers exserted, without basal appendages; generally autumn-flowering.
Erica manipuliflora |
Erica manipuliflora |
Erica manipuliflora |
Erica manipuliflora |
Erica manipuliflora |
Erica manipuliflora |
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