Δευτέρα 11 Απριλίου 2016

Matthiola tricuspidata (L.) R.Br.

Matthiola tricuspidata (L.) R.Br.
Annual, without vegetative leaf rosettes. Stem rather stout, 10–40 cm, often branched from base; whole plant densely white-tomentose and with scattered, shortly stalked glands. Leaves sinuate-crenate to pinnatifid. Inflorescence a lax, few-flowered raceme; flowers subsessile, pedicels 1–3 mm in fruit. Petals 18–22 mm, lilac-mauve with pale yellow base. Siliculae usually 30–60 mm, patent, cylindrical, tomentose, with 3 conspicuous horns at apex.
Άλλη μια βιολέτα της θάλασσας με τον χαρακτηριστικό τρικέρατο καρπό. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στη Χλωρίδα μας, Φυτολόγιοgreekflora.gr, Flora of Greece.
Matthiola tricuspidata

Matthiola tricuspidata

Matthiola tricuspidata

Matthiola tricuspidata

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