Enarthrocarpus arcuatus Labill.
Robust annual with simple hairs. Stems usually 20–35 cm, procumbent to suberect. Basal leaves in a rosette, petiolate, lyrate-pinnatisect with large, rounded terminal segment. Racemes bracteate below, much elongating in fruit. Pedicels 3–5 mm. Petals 9–13 mm, pale yellow with purplish veins. Siliquae 50–80 × c. 3 mm, linear, cylindrical, often recurved-arcuate, conspicuously torulose, with a short stipitate segment at base; valves ± hispid, with several thin longitudinal veins.
Enarthrocarpus arcuatus |
Enarthrocarpus arcuatus |
Enarthrocarpus arcuatus |
Enarthrocarpus arcuatus |
Enarthrocarpus arcuatus |
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